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Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 12 (2024)</span>Volume 12 (2024)
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Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 10 (2022)</span>Volume 10 (2022)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 9 (2021)</span>Volume 9 (2021)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 8 (2020)</span>Volume 8 (2020)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 7 (2019)</span>Volume 7 (2019)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 6 (2018)</span>Volume 6 (2018)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 5 (2017)</span>Volume 5 (2017)
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Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 2 (2014)</span>Volume 2 (2014)
Collapse <span class="m110 colortj mt20 fontw700">Volume 1 (2013)</span>Volume 1 (2013)
American Journal of Public Health Research. 2024, 12(1), 1-7
DOI: 10.12691/AJPHR-12-1-1
Literature Review

Impacts of Climate Change on Respiratory Health, Case of Asthma: A Comprehensive 24-Year Review (2000 To 2023) of Current Trends and Future Perspectives

Essoninam Passike Pokona1, , Essohanam Boko2, Pascal Yaka3 and Brama Kone4

1West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), University of Lome, Lome, TOGO

2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lome, Lome, TOGO

3Climate Services, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) West Africa Sub-regional Office, Dakar, SENEGAL

4Department of Research Programs, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Abidjan, COTE D’IVOIRE

Pub. Date: February 16, 2024

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Essoninam Passike Pokona, Essohanam Boko, Pascal Yaka and Brama Kone. Impacts of Climate Change on Respiratory Health, Case of Asthma: A Comprehensive 24-Year Review (2000 To 2023) of Current Trends and Future Perspectives. American Journal of Public Health Research. 2024; 12(1):1-7. doi: 10.12691/AJPHR-12-1-1


Climate change, recognized as one of the major challenges of our time by the United Nations, poses an unprecedented threat to global health. This scientific article examines the multiple facets of the impact of climate change on respiratory health, with a particular focus on asthma. Through a detailed review of existing literature over the past 24 years, we explore the complex relationships between climate variations, environmental factors, and respiratory diseases. We analyze data from various sources, including epidemiological studies, epidemiological models, and public health surveys. In addition to providing the current assessment of the impact of climate change on asthma, this review explores future perspectives. The results show an increasing correlation between these climate changes and the worsening of asthma symptoms, as well as an increase in asthma-related hospitalizations. Furthermore, potential scenarios include an intensification of extreme weather events, variations in allergen distribution, and changes in air quality, all of which have the potential to exacerbate the challenges already posed by asthma. The implications of these emerging trends underscore the crucial importance of developing adaptation and mitigation strategies. Multidisciplinary approaches, involving healthcare professionals, climate scientists, and policymakers, are necessary to devise sustainable solutions aimed at protecting respiratory health in the face of the challenges posed by climate change.


climate change, respiratory health, asthma, current trends, future perspectives


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